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Club Championships: Register now!


Dear Obvii,

Registrations for the club championships are open! Will you compete against fellow Obvii for the title of club champion? And do you have the best outfit during the fun double? This year, in addition to the regular competitions, many activities are being organized that you can participate in! These activities will have to do with the theme namely... ''Mamma Mia, here we serve again''!

For the tournament, fun double and Spa Gold you can register via With the fun doubles you have the opportunity to be on the court with all levels! Find a doubles partner with at least a two-point rating difference and you will compete together for an hour. Wear the best outfit to win a prize! You can register for the pub quiz and the closing dinner via the Obvius website. We will also organize other super fun other activities. Plenty of fun things, so register quickly via the site and below!

Greetings, CK💚
